2022年11月2日/ Last updated : 2022年11月2日msasaki311Uncategorized
A network meeting was held
On October 31, 2022, a meeting of the 3.11 Iwate Church Network was held at the Kamaishi Amazing Grace Center in Kamaishi City. 17 pastors, missionaries, and short-term workers from all over the prefecture gathered, mainly from the coast.
There were people we met for the first time this time. They were workers who came to Iwate after the last gathering and those who came as short-term workers during this period. We felt that God’s work through the churches has been continuing dynamically since the earthquake.
In the morning, after self-introductions, there was praise and worship. There was also a report on the support activities in the areas affected by the torrential rain disaster that occurred in Aomori this year, as well as a report on the acquisition of a church building at Ofunato Grace House Church.
Lunch was a very lively time of fellowship. In the afternoon, reports and prayer requests from various areas were shared, and we had an intense time of prayer for each other.
It is truly a great blessing to be given such wonderful fellowship!